Art Appreciation
Art 1030 Tue/Thur 9:30-10:50


Be familiar with the following concepts and terms for Thursdays Exam:

Visible Spectrum-the color frequencies that humans can see; the distribution of colors produced when white light is dispersed

Color Wheel-relationships among hues expressed in a circular two dimensional model

Reflected-hues seen when light is reflected from a pigmented surface

Refracted-hues seen in and through light

Primary- the set of three basic hues which all other hues can be mixed

Secondary- hues produced by combining two primary hues

Tertiary-hues that are a mixture of a primary and secondary hue lying next to one another on the color wheel

Complementary Colors-hue that are opposite of each other on the color wheel

Value-the degree of light or dark

Saturation-the relative brightness or dullness of a color

Local Colors-the color usually associated with an object as seen from nearby under normal daylight without shadow or reflection

Atmospheric Colors-the effects of lighting and environmental reflections on local colors

Interpretive Color-color chosen to represent an emotional atmosphere or idea rather than a literal description of the actual values of a real scene

Warm colors-colors on the red to yellow side of the color wheel associated with heat

Cool colors-a hue traditionally thought to suggest low tempreratures and peacefulness, chiefly blues and greens

Monochromatic-having a color scheme based on values of a single hue, perhaps with accents of another color or neutral colors

Analagous- those hues lying next to each other on the color wheel

Optical color mixtures-those in which colors are mixed in the viewers perception rather than in physically mixed pigments

Open Palette- use of an unlimited range of colors in juxtaposition

Limited Palatte-highly selective use of only a few colors

Repetition- a single design element used replicated again and again throughout a work of art

Pattern-a series of images repeated in an orderly way

Variety-change rather than sameness through space and time; subtle variations on the same theme

Transitions-gradual changes from one state to another within a work of art

Contrast-an abrupt change, as when opposites are juxtaposed

-the visual equivalent of notes and pauses in music, created by repetition, variety, and spacing in a design

Balance-the distribution of apparent visual weights through a composition

Visual weight-the apparent heaviness of an area or design

Formal balance-distribution of equal forces around a central point or axis

Radial balance-symmetric arrangement of design elements around the center of a circle

Asymmetrical balance-the distribution of dissimilar visual weights in such a way that those on either side seem to offset each other

Compositional unity-visual coherence in a work of art; also used sometimes to refer to repetition of similar motifs in a design

Emphasis-predominance of one are or element in a composition

Focal point-the area of a composition to which the viewers eye is most compellingly drawn

Economy-the use of as few means as possible to achieve a desired visual effect

Proportion-size relationships of parts to each other and the whole

Logo-a graphic or typographic image that identifies a business or group