click here to jump to the syllabus



>>>Complete list of Photoshop Shortcuts click here

>>>Complete list of Illustrator Shortcuts click here

Project One- In a "RASTER" paint program, do four paintings or drawings. They can be realistic, primitive or abstract. Be sure to use and experiment with the pencil tool, the airbrush tool, and various brush tips. In one of the paintings create a design using various fills and textures. Add interest to your designs by assigning different transparency levels to various brushstrokes. CRITIQUE 09-05-08

Project Two - In a "RASTER" paint program, do four paintings or drawings that incorporate photos and images (this is a repeat of project one taking it a step further with photos). They can be realistic, primitive or abstract. Be sure to use and experiment with the pencil tool, the airbrush tool, and various brush tips. In one of the paintings create a design using various fills and textures. Add interest to your designs by assigning different transparency levels to various brushstrokes. DUE 09-19-08

Project THREE - In a "VECTOR" program a.k.a. adobe illustrator, create your own unique currency. This should be front and back. Explore custom illustrator brushes. It is very important you have successfully completed all the bezier pen tool templates and tutorials for this project. Add interest to your designs by assigning different transparency levels. Concepts to consider are locking layers, custom type faces, arranging and grouping objects, selecting and alligning. CRITIQUE 10-03-08

Project FOUR- Creating a poster using raster and vector. Using Photoshop and Illustrator create a poster that is for a band of your choice. These should be 11X17 in size and 300 dpi (for print). Use vector clip art as an element (you can find them below at dafont). Consider using photos and illustrations that you create rather than relying on web images. Be creative and original. Use typography effectively and elegantly. CRITIQUE 10-17-08

Get vector clipart at DAFONT

Tutorial- Cleaning Up Images and Removal of Unwanted Elements

Project Five- Creating a poster using raster and vector. Using Photoshop and Illustrator create a poster that is for a charity or cause of your choice (non profit organization, charity, or other worthwhile cause). These should be 11X17 in size and 300 dpi (for print). Using everything that we have learned up to this point. You must use photos and textures that you scan in. Be creative and original while focusing on the overall design. Consider what the poster is trying to communicate and be true to the voice of the work. Use typography carefully to communicate clearly. CRITIQUE 10-24-08


Project Six- Creating an orginal logo using illustrator. The logo is for a company called Parkers Mobile Pet Grooming Service
The logo will be incorporated on a business card, letterhead, and envelope that you will design.

Click here for things to consider when designing a logo
Consider how the logo will look very small and large

Business CARD TEMPLATE click to download

Document sizes (business card, letter head, and envelope) click to download

CRITIQUE 10-24-08



Syllabus Computer Art I Art 142

Roane State Community College
Computer Art and Design
Fall Semester 2008
Instructor: Bryan Wilkerson
Phone: 865-882-4649
Course url:

Materials: Portable media such as a jump drive or writeable discs to back up your work.

Grades: 90 % percent of your grade will be based on your projects and test(criteria for evaluating the projects will be based on the time spent on the project and it's originality).10% of your grade will be based on class participation.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. 3 absences your grade drops a letter. 4 absences your grade drops another letter. 5 absences automatic failure of the course.

Absences accrue from the first scheduled class meeting, and late arrivals and early departures are considered half absences. Additionally, written excuses, such as those from a doctor are unnecessary. All students have a number of absences they can use for such purposes. If students must exceed the allotted number of absences, they will not fulfill the course obligations or adequately learn the material.

When students miss an excessive number of classes they are advised to withdraw from the class under the "Withdrawals and Honorable Dismissals" section as described in the RSCC catalog. However, students who receive financial aid should first check with the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing to ensure that such action does not jeopardize their aid or necessitate early repayment.

Important, since instructions start when class starts. Arriving late disrupts the class and disrupts me!! If you make a habit of being over 5 minutes late for class, your grade will suffer. You are responsible for finding-out from fellow classmates what you missed and making sure you keep- up with instructions and assignments.

Grades: Aside from attendance and class participation, your performance will be evaluated by your ability to successfully complete a series of assigned tasks on time (as if I were a real client expecting a completed image). Mini-projects will be assigned as we progress through the course material. You are expected to complete all assignments. I will treat you as a responsible, mature person and will expect you to meet your commitments in a professional manner.

Course Map

Week 1 Basic MAC Skills Week 7 Graphing

Week 2 Intro to Photoshop Week 8 Pagination

Week 3 Raster Graphics Week 9 "

Week 4 Vector Graphics Week 10 "

Week 5 Cutting/Pasting/Clipart Week 11 Final Projects

Week 6 Scanning Week 12 Final Projects

Week 13-15 Review, Critiques



[ ] Project 1- Introduction to the course, using a macintosh, general computing skills, word processing assignment.

[ ] Project 2- In a "RASTER" paint program, do four paintings or drawings. They can be realistic, primitive or abstract. Be sure to use and experiment with the pencil tool, the airbrush tool, and various brush tips. In one of the paintings create a design using various fills and textures. Add interest to your designs by assigning different transparency levels to various brushstrokes.

[ ] Project 3- Invent your own currency. Use a "vector" program.

[ ] Project 4- Import clip art image and use it as the center focus of a poster or flyer design. Further enhance the poster with typography and graphic elements (boarders, tone panels, and other principles of art)

[ ] Project 5- Repeat project four but use a scanned image, photo, or drawing as the center focus.

[ ] Project 6- Create two graphs in a "VECTOR" program. (one bar, one pie, and one any other). Enhance the graphs artistically using techniques learned from previous assignments.

[ ] Project 7- Design a business card, letterhead, and invoice for a company of your choice or invention using a pagination program (pagemaker).

[ ] Project 8- Design two pages of a newsletter or powerpoint presentation for a real or fictitious business, organization, or cause of your choice. It must include: a banner (masterhead), 1 graph, 1 photo, headlines, and artistic graphic elements to make it look organized and professional. Review your graphic design handout and incorporate as many unifying devices as possible! Use pagemaker.

[ ] Project 9- Draw a floor plan of your dream house. Be creative. Use a vector program. Refer to the examples.

[ ] Project 10 -12 Choose from the optional project ideas.