Student ID  
Student Name    
Advisor Name    

Education: Secondary Mathematics Grades 6-12 (UTPT USEM)

Students pursuing this program will receive an Associate of Science in Teaching-Secondary Education/ Mathematics.

The A.S.T. curriculum in Secondary Education/Mathematics is designed for students who wish to complete the first two years of a program toward teacher certification in Secondary Education/Mathematics for grades 6-12.  Upon completion of the degree, students should plan to transfer to a college or university offering such an endorsement.  Due to varying requirements of four-year institutions, students are encouraged to identify their four-year school by the end of the first year of enrollment at Roane State.  Courses selected to fulfill requirements should be carefully selected with an education advisor. 

Additional Degree Requirements:

  1. Attainment of a 2.75 cumulative grade point average
  2. Successful completion of Praxis Core Test or ACT score of 21 or higher (See action items below)
  3. Satisfactory rating on an index of suitability (dispositions) for the teaching profession. (See note below)

Effective Fall 2020

1st Fall   Hours Term TakenGrade
ENGL 1010 Composition I 3   
COLS 1010 Study, Organize, Succeed 3   
EDUC 2000 Introduction to Education 3   
COMM 2025 Fundamentals of Communication 3   
MATH 1910 Calculus I 4   
    TERM TOTAL 16   
Action Items       

Attend EDUC Group Advising Session

  Oct Meet with Success Coach or Advisor 
Complete FAFSA for upcoming fall term 
  Nov Visit Transfer Institutions
Register for next term 
1st Spring   Hours   
ENGL 1020 Composition II 3   
MATH 1920 Calculus II 4   
    Humanities Elective 3   
    Social/Behavioral Science Elective 6   
    TERM TOTAL 16   
Action Items       

Attend EDUC Group Advising Session
Decide on Transfer Institution

  Mar Meet with Success Coach or Advisor      
  April Register for next term      
2nd Fall   Hours   
    Literature Elective 3   
    History Elective 3   
    Natural Science Elective 4   
MATH 2010 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3   
    Humanities Elective 3   
    TERM TOTAL 16   
Action Items       

Attend EDUC Group Advising Session

Complete Application to Graduate with Faculty Advisor
  Oct Meet with Faculty Advisor     
  Nov Take Praxis Core (if needed)
Apply for admission to Transfer Institution
Register for next term
2nd Spring   Hours   
    History Elective 3   
    Natural Science Elective 4   
MATH 2110 Calculus III 4   
MATH 2120 Differential Equations 3   
    TERM TOTAL 14   
Action Items       

Attend EDUC Group Advising Session
Praxis Core Workshop (if needed) 
Re-Take Praxis Core (if needed)

  Mar Take Exit Exam (ETS Proficiency Profile)
Disposition Forms Due
    TOTAL HOURS 62   

This is a Tennessee Transfer Pathway:

All Elective courses should be carefully selected to meet requirements at transfer institution.

Students who intend to transfer to MTSU’s, ETSU’s, or UTK’s secondary education program should follow the Mathematics AA/AS TTP and not the AST TTP. ETSU and UTK recommend and MTSU requires that students take education courses after transfer. Students who intend to transfer to TTU or UTM should take EDU 2000 Introduction to Education.

Students should confer with their advisor or representative of the university to which they intend to transfer to determine the recommended history courses. Students who intend to transfer to UTK should take a 6 credit hours of a non-U.S. History sequence to fulfill the History requirements. UTC requires that one of the History courses be a non-Western culture course.

UM requires two of the following three courses to satisfy the social behavioral science requirement: Survey of World Regions, Intro to Cultural Geography, or American Government; UM also requires Intro to Biology and lab in place of PHYS 1040.

PHYS or CHEM are recommended for the Science courses. Students who intend to transfer to UTC should take either calculus-based Physics sequence. UTM requires an additional Chemistry sequence 1010/1020 and PHYS.

*History courses – students are advised to consult with his/her transfer institution to determine if a particular history course or sequence is required. 

DISPOSITIONS - One disposition must be completed by each of the following:

Visit this link to complete the disposition form:

For further information: Social Science, Business and Education Department, 865-354-3000, x4582.