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Roane State Community College

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Faculty/Staff Directory

Faculty/Staff Directory

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Adkisson, Tasha LFA SpecialistFinancial Aid
Akers, MariellaOak Ridge Faculty SecretaryOak Ridge Instructional
Alfonso, RobertAssociate Professor of EnglishHumanities
Allred, TracyAdjunct FacultySocial Science, Business & Education
Alvic, Fadia MAdjunct FacultyCOLS
Anderson, AndyAssociate ProfessorSocial Science, Business
Anderson, Eric GInformation Security AnalystNTTS
Anderson, Krysten LAssociate Professor of EnglishHumanities - English
Anderson, Misty EInstructional Design Specialist/D2L System AdministratorCenter for Teaching Arts and Technology
Andrey, Kailyn LSuccess CoachStudent Success
Anthony, AnitaHelp Desk CoordinatorNetworking and Technical Support
Appleton, ToddWebmasterMarketing and Communications
Ayo, Cindy EOTA Academic Fieldwork CoordinatorHealth Sciences
Backstrom, Amy WAssistant Professor Nursing
Badger, RogerEMS InstructorHealth Sciences
Baines, Patricia LEnrollment SpecialistOne Stop
Baker, Kathryn R.Executive Director of Student ServicesStudent Services
Baranowski, Athena MAssociate Professor of ChemistryMathematics and Sciences
Barbetto, Ronald ASecurityPolice
Barnard, Tycho IAdmissions CounselorEnrollment Intelligence
Barnette, Evelyn AInstructorworkforce development
Battershell, VictoriaDirector of Simulation CenterHealth Sciences
Beason, ChristinaSecretary IIHealth Sciences
Beason, KristiAdministrative Assistant IIWorkforce and Community Development
Belitz, Emily FTECTA CoordinatorTECTA
Below, Lucas JMicrocomputer SpecialistNetworking and Technical Support
Below, Quentin F.Adjunct Social Science, Business and EducationSocial Science, Business and Education
Benitez-Ramirez, Isabel JAssistant Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Bensey, Margery WAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Bishop, Jo AnnOffice AssistantHuman Resouces
Blair, Edna DProctorThe Testing Center
Blankenship, Tracie MInstructorMedical Terminology
Blevins, David SAssociate Professor - Paramedic Program DirectorHealth Sciences
Bolden, Beth NHuman Resource ManagerHuman Resources
Boles, Lisa JSpecialistTECTA
Boles, Monica LAssociate ProfessorSocial Science
Bone, Alexandria NFacultyMathematics and Sciences
Borum, DominiqueSuccess CoachStudent Services
Bouldin, Margaret EAssistant Professor of EnglishHumanities
Bowling, JacquelynLaboratory TechnicianMathematics and Sciences
Bowling, TurnerAssistant Professor of EnglishHumanities
Boxell, Donna GAssistant Professor of NursingHealth Sciences
Braddock, MikeNetwork and Systems AnalystNetworking, Telephone and Technical Support
Bradshaw, StacieAssociate Professor of EducationSocial Science, Business, and Education
Brady, Sheila YAccountant llBusiness Office
Brandon, Patrick MTheatre TechHumanities
Branson, Laura ECounselorCounseling
Branstetter, Josephine EAssistant ProfessorMathematics and Sciences
Bratta, BrookeAssistant Director of Continuing Healthcare and SaContinuing Education
Brendel, Allison GTechnical Clerk CumberlandCumberland County
Brewer, Carolyn ETechnical ClerkAdministration
Brown, ConniePayroll ConsultantPayroll
Brown, John NProfessor of Political ScienceSocial Science, Business and Education
Brown, MarcMaintenance/Grounds SupervisorPhysical Plant
Brown, Matthew ABursarBusiness Office
Brown, SusanGrounds WorkerPhysical Plant
Brunner, KarenVP Institutional Effectiveness & Student Success InitiativesInstitutional Effectiveness / Research
Bucher, ShawnProgram Director/Assistant ProfessorBusiness, Social Sciences, Education
Burke, Jolene JAccount Clerk II / TempBursar
Burtch, Michael PHealth Sciences Admissions AdvisorHealth Sciences
Capps, Gregory LProgram Director - Prog Mgmt Proj CtlsSocial Science, Business and Education
Carriger, Steven PAssociate ProfessorSocial Science, Business
Cash, Michelle RAssistant Professor/Nursing Program DirectorHealth Sciences
Cecala, David MAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Chambers, Dana MSecurity GuardPolice
Chambers, Jessica HAssistant Professor of MathematicsMathematics and Sciences
Chemay, Jonathan P.Theatre TechnicianHumanities
Childers, April SAdjunct ProfessorArt
Christmas, Darrell Lmaintenance supervisormaintenance
Clark, Casey LStudent Support AdvocateStudent Support Services
Cloyd, Denise J.Administrative SecretaryHumanities
Cobb, CharlieFaculty History/International Education CoordinatorInternational Education
Coffey, Kathy LGrounds/UtilityPhysical Plant
Conant, Chloe SReference, Instruction, and eResources LibrarianLibrary
Cook, Amber NTesting Center Technician IITesting Center
Cooney, Mikaela DProgram Director Criminal JusticeSocial Science, Business and Education
Cooper, Melissa JWorkforce AdministrationWorkforce
Cooper, Stephanie SAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Corder, ZacharyInstructional Design SpecialistCenter for Teaching Arts and Technology
Cortesio, Cynthia LDirector of Internal AuditInternal Audit
Counseling, HarrimanCounseling HarrimanFac/Staff
Crabtree, NatashaAssistant Director of RecruitmentRecruitment
Cross, Jennifer DAssistant Director of Middle CollegeMiddle College
Cummings, Claudia CAssociate Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Dallman, Steven RHead Volleyball CoachAthletics
Dalton-Carriger, Jessica NAssociate Professor of AnthropologySocial Science, Business
Daniel, Jala JAssociate Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Davidson, Holly GDirector of PayrollPayroll
Davidson, Jessica AInstructor of Surgical TechnologyHealth Sciences
Davis, Anna ELearning Support Math Specialist Learning Center
Davis, Katie REnrollment AssistantOne Stop
Deasy, Leah ADean of Social Science, Business, and EducationSocial Science, Business, and Education
Degarmo, Todd CPolice Officer 1RSCC Police Department
DeLozier, Emily AAssociate Professor-Physical Therapist AssistantHealth Sciences
Denton, Rachel AAssociate Professor of SpanishHumanities
Dezuani, GiovanniAdjunct FacultyHealth Science
Di Biccaro, Michael RAdjunct FacultySocial Science, Business and Education
Dillard, Donald LAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Dills, April NAdministrative Assistant IIFinance
Disney, Dale LAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Doncaster, Heather RInstruction and Outreach LibrarianLibrary
Doten, Kristina AAccount Clerk IIBusiness Office
Drake, GloriaAssociate ProfessorSocial Science, Business
Duncan, TeresaVice President of Workforce and Community DevelopmentWorkforce and Community Development
Duncan, Zachariah SMaintenance WorkerPhysical Plant
Eastwood, Justin BBranch Library ManagerLibrary Services
Ellison, Richard R.Custodial/Maintenance WorkerPhysical Plant
Elmore, JasonPolice OfficerPolice
Elwartowski, WilliamSystems AdministratorNetworking and Technical Support
Eppler, MichaelDirector of WORC GrantWorkforce
Esquivel, Shelley LDirector of Student LearningStudent Learning
Farmer, MikeFacultySocial Science, Business and Education Dept.
Faulk, Christopher JLieutenant Police
Felder, Kristin CAcademic Fieldwork CoordinatorOTA Program
Fields, Annell SAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Fields, BeckyAssociate ProfessorHealth Sciences
Fields, DavidObservatory DirectorMathematics and Sciences
Financial Aid, HarrimanFinancial Aid MainFinancial Aid
Finn, Roger PAssistant Professor of EnglishHumanities
Finnell, JoReneStudent Aid SpecialistFoundation
Fishel, Jason LAssociate Professor of PhilosophyHumanities
Floersh, Sophia MAssistant ProfessorHealth Sciences
Foster, Jo AAdjunct/TTU Site CoordinatorSocial Sciences
Fountain, LyleAssistant Director, NTTSNetworking, Telecommunications, and Tech Support
Fox, AustinSecurity GuardSecurity
Fox, BradleyAssociate ProfessorBusiness and Technology
Fritts, Olivia SAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Frost, Jennifer AAdjunct FacultySocial Science, Business
Fugate, Jennifer JStudent Engagement CoordinatorStudent Services
Galloway, Ashley BAssistant Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Garcia, Guilherme HInstructor of MechatronicsMathematics and Sciences
Genovise, Elizabeth VAssociate Professor EnglishHumanities
Gibson, Hali CVision Care Program Director and InstructorHealth Sciences
Gilbert, Christopher JCampaign ManagerFoundation
Gill, Melinda KDental Hygiene Program DirectorHealth Sciences
Goepfert, PeteDirector of Administrative SystemsInformation Technology
Goggin, MikeAdjunctHealth Sciences
Goins, Karyn LAssociate Professor/Clinical Coordiator Respiratory CareHealth Sciences
Goins, Miranda ETechnical ClerkFront Office
Golder, KeenanAssistant Professor of GeologyMathematics and Sciences
Golebiewski, MichaelAssociate Professor SpeechHumanities
Gonzalez, April DDirector of Advising and Articulation AgreementsAdvising Resource Center- ARC
Graham, Sherri SClinical InstructorDental Hygiene
Gravely, Gary TAssistant Professor of EnglishHumanities
Greenlee, GeolInterim Dean of Humanities / Professor Music / Music DirectorHumanities
Gregg, HeatherAssistant ProfessorHealth Sciences
Griffin, Christopher VMen's & Women's Golf CoachAthletics
Grigsby, DonnaOffice SupervisorPhysical Plant
Guymon, Jana MLibrary IILibrary
Hageman, Elizabeth ASecretary IIIHealth Sciences
Hall, Julie AProfessor/Program Director Radiologic TechnologyHealth Sciences
Hamilton, Nancy L.COLS 1010 CoordinatorSocial Science, Business and Education
Hamsley, Christopher CHead Baseball Coach/AdjunctAthletics
Hanson, Holly ADirector Cumberland Business IncubatorAdministration
Hargis, Christopher DLaboratory SupervisorMathematics and Sciences
Harper, Joshua BPolice OfficerPolice
Harris, KirkDirector of Center for Health SciencesContinuing Education
Harvey, James KSecurityPolice
Hatton, Allison RSuccess CoachStudent Success
Heidinger, GaryAssociate ProfessorSocial Science, Business
Helton, Krista FSecretary IIIStudent Learning
Hembree, Michael WMicrocomputer SpecialistNTTS
Hensley, VickieAssociate Professor - Rad TechHealth Sciences
Herd, ValerieAssociate ProfessorSocial Science, Business
Heron, Lorrie SSecretaryDental Hygiene
Hester, Melissa AFinancial Aid SpecialistFinancial Aid
Hibbard, MadelineMLT Program DirectorHealth Sciences
Hildebrandt, Melanie CAssistant Professor of SpeechHumanities
Hill, ElizabethAssistant Director Help DeskNetworking ,Technical and Telephone Support
Hill, Jerry EHVACMaintenance
Hill, MikeDirector, Learning Centers and Learning SupportLearning Center/Learning Support
Hladis, Megan EAdjunct-EnglishHumanities
Hoepf, Benjamin PInstitutional Research Data AnalystInstitutional Effectiveness and Research
Hofman, Laura AProgram Director – Chemical Engineering TechnologyMathematics and Sciences
Holder, Anne CAdmin Asst 1Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Holmes, Stefanie LAssistant Professor of MathematicsMathematics and Sciences
Holt, AlanHead Basketball CoachAthletics
Hopkins, RickProgrammer AnalystAdministrative Systems
Howard, Jana LTechnical ClerkFront desk
Howard, Tammy RDirector of Dual StudiesStudent Academic Services, Dual Studies
Humphreys, JamesProgrammer/AnalystAdministrative Systems - Computer Center
Hunsaker, JessicaRegistrar, Director of Admissions and RecordsAdmissions and Records
Hunter, Brent MDual Enrollment InstructorBiology
Hyun, PhillipAssociate Professor of PhysicsMathematics and Sciences
Inman, Gary DSecurity HourlyRoane State Police Department
Insco, April MProgram Director HIMHealth Sciences
Jackson, Dina LDirector of Fundraising OperationsFoundation
Jackson, SherryAdministrative Assistant IIPresident Office
Jacobs, StacyProfessor of Art/Coordinator of ArtHumanities
Jamison, Curtis SAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Jeffers, Ricky LPolice OfficerTCAT ONEIDA / HUNTSVILLE
Jenkins, PatriciaDean of Health Sciences/Professor of NursingHealth Sciences
Johnson, Aaron DMaintenance and Grounds Supervisor KnoxvillePhysical Plant
Johnson, Jeremiah TOffice Supervisor Expo CenterEvents Coordinator
Johnson, Melodie D.TECTA Data Support TechnicianTECTA
Jones, SkipDirector of Scott Co. CampusAdministration Scott County
Jones, Jessica JTECTA SpecialistTECTA
Jones, JohnnyAssociate Professor of Physical EducationSocial Science
Kees, Melody LMorgan County Campus DirectorAdministration
Kent, Paul WPolice OfficerPolice
Key, Tinisha DAssistant Professor of PsychologySocial Science, Business and Education
Kitchings, Leona FFamily Child Care SpecialistTECTA
Kitts, Elizabeth AAssociate ProfessorSocial Science, Business
Kitts, Michael APolice Officer 1Department of Public Safety
Kohlmeyer, Christy DDirector of Financial AidFinancial Aid
Laman, MichaelProfessor and Director Health Sciences ProgramHealth Sciences
Lambert, DeborahPlant ScienceAgriculture
Lane, David R.Athletic DirectorAthletics / Social Science
Lanham, Donna KAdvising Systems AnalystAdvising Resource Center - ARC
Lawrence, Jeanna KTesting ProctorStudent Services
Lawson, MylesSecurity Police
Lawson, Tamera RSuccess CoachStudent Success
Layne, DanielleAssistant Professor-MathMathematics and Sciences
Cumberland County Learning CenterTutoring HelpStudent Academic Support Services
Lewis, ElizabethAssociate Professor Criminal Justice Business, Social Science and Education
Lewison, Thomas MAssistant Professor of MechatronicsMathematics and Sciences
Ling, Donna JAdministrative Assistant CBICBI
Littleton, Mark EProgram Director - MechatronicsMathematics and Sciences
Lively, BrandiSuccess CoachStudent Success
Lohrey, EvanAdjunct MechatronicsMathematics and Sciences
Lowe, BruceMaintenance Utility WorkerScott County Center
Lucas, Teresa LAssociate Professor NursingHealth Sciences
Luggie, BrendaProfessor of Music/Choral DirectorHumanities
Luttrell, Ernest LAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Magill, Deborah RAssociate Professor of SpeechHumanities
Maharry, RickHead Womens Golf CoachAthletic Department
Malekpour, SusanDean Of Mathematics and SciencesMathematics and Sciences
Malicoat, Jerry LDirector Expo CenterExpo Center
Malkki, Tarya AAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Manfredi, GiannaShipping and ReceivingShipping and Receiving
Manis, Teresa L.Associate Professor/Clinical Coordinator - Rad TechHealth Sciences
Manning, Anna MEnrollment AssistantOne Stop
Marlar, Leigh AAdjunct FacultyCOLS1010
Marlow, KelleyGraduation AnalystAdmissions and Records
Marsalis, Joyce EDirectorHuman Resources
Martin, Brittany TAccount Clerk IIBusiness Office
Massengill, Franklin CSecurity GuardSecurity
Matherly, Daniel BAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Mathews, MarshaVice President of Business and FinanceFinance
Mayo, Gregory DElectricianphysical plant
McAbee, Cheyenne MOffice Assistant Ethics, Compliance, and Risk
McAbee, TyAssistant Director Admissions and RecordsStudent Services
McAteer, GabrielAssistant Professor of NursingHealth Sciences
McCampbell, NickAdmissions SpecialistAdmissions and Records
McCarroll, Amy NAdjunctHumanities
McClendon, Lola MAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
McClure, MikeCourierPhysical Plant
McClure, Patricia KMiddle College/Dual Studies Technical ClerkMiddle College/Dual Studies
McCullough, SteveAccountant IIBusiness Office
McDaniel, MartyWomens Softball CoachAthletics
McDonald, Matthew RFacultyHumanities
McDonald, Sean NMaintenancePhysical Plant
McElroy, Bret AAssistant Professor EMSHealth Sciences
McGhee, DewayneCampus Director - Cumberland CountyAdministration
McGhee, Raymond EAdjunct FacultySocial Science, Business
McKay, Amanda JAdjunctHumanities
Meghabghab, GeorgeProfessor of Computer ScienceMathematics and Sciences
Melton, Levi CAccountant IIAccounting
Menjivar, Andrea HSim Operations SpecialistWorkforce
Messamore, TinaTechnical ClerkStudent Services and Enrollment Management
Metcalfe, Christopher LAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Miles, DeborahAssociate Professor of MathematicsMathematics and Sciences
Miller, Deborah U.Grants Development - Part Time/RetiredGrants Development
Miller, DonaldAdjunctSocial Science, Business & Education
Miller, Jillian MAssistant Professor of MathematicsMathematics and Sciences
Miller, Jimmy EAssociate Professor of MathematicsMathematics and Sciences
Miller, CodyDean of Student Academic Support ServicesStudent Services
Miller, TamsinSpecial Assistant to the PresidentPresidents Office
Minton, Courtney LAssistant Professor of Theatre/Theatre ManagerHumanities
Mioduski, Jerome EAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Molchan, Ricky DAdjunct FacultySocial Science, Business & Education
Monday, RalphProfessor of EnglishHumanities
Moore, Jacob CFinancial Aid SpecialistFinancial Aid
Morphew, AnnAssociate Professor of SpeechHumanities
Morris, Blake EAssistant ProfessorHealth Sciences
Morrow, Jasmine SAdmissions SpecialistAdmissions Records
Morton, Tiffianny-AnneAdministrative AssistantFoundation
Nair, Jayme EAssistant Professor of EnglishHumanities
Neal, Melanie LORICL Assistant AdministratorORICL
Nealon, Montana LInstructor Vision Care TechnologyHealth Sciences
Nemeth, RudolphAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Nesbit, RandyAssociate Professor of BusinessSocial Science
Neudenberger, Amanda LInstructor of BiologyMath/Science
Newberry, Nikki LAssociate Professor - HIMHealth Sciences
Newton, Derrick APolice Officer Police
Niemi, Sue LSuccess CoachStudent Success
Niermann, Scott KExecutive DirectorFoundation/Alumni Relations
Nora, PatriciaAdjunct FacultyBusiness and Technology
Noto, John JAssistant Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Oliver, Robert WAdjunct Faculty - EHTCMathematics and Sciences
Oliver, Tamra LCompliance and Risk OfficerCompliance and Titles
Oran, MicheleBuyerPurchasing
Owens, Stacy ASecuritySecurity
Parker, JenniferAssistant Professor of MathematicsMathematics and Sciences
Parker, RogerWomen's Basketball Head CoachAthletics
Parker, SonyaManager, Workforce Training and PlacementWorkforce Development
Parsons, Miki AAdjunctHealth Sciences
Pastor, Sylvia HAssistant Professor of ChemistryMathematics and Sciences
Patrick, LynzeeDirector of Veterans ServicesStudent Success
Patterson, MicheleDirector of AccountingBusiness Office
Paul, Christopher JProcessing Data Technician/ProgrammerEnrollment Intelligence
Accounts PayableAccounts PayableFac/Staff
Payne, Jason TAssistant Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Pearson, SusanAdjunctSocial Science, Business and Education
Peavyhouse, Amanda GAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Pelfrey, DawnAdjunct FacultyAllied Health Science and Nursing
Pellom, TylerAccount Clerk IIIBusiness Office
Pereira, Elizabeth AGrant SpecialistInstitutional Effectiveness
Perkins, Larry DInterim Director of Environmental Health TechnologMath and Science
Perry, Aimee CAdjunctHealth Science
Perry, Susan KORICL AdministratorORICL
Phifer, William SAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Phillips, KeriChief Information OfficerInformation Technology
Physical Plant, HarrimanPhysical Plant MainFac/Staff
Pierce, Vickie FAssociate Professor NursingHealth Sciences
Plumlee, DonnaProgram Director PolysomnographyHealth Sciences
Postolaki, SergeyAssistant Professor MathematicsMathematics and Sciences
Powers-Blanton, GailInformation Desk Supervisor/Head OperatorORBC Administration
Prater, EugeneAdjunct FacultySocial Science, Business & Education
Pressley, Sherri RAccount Clerk 2Business Office
Price, Cynthia KAssistant Professor of NursingNursing
TECTA ProgramTECTAFac/Staff
Provine, JenniferTechnical ClerkHealth Sciences
Pulcifer, JeremyStudent Outreach and Communications ManagerStudent Services
Puzey, Linda SAssistant Professor - Chemical Engineering TechMathematics and Sciences
Queener, April AAdministrative AssistantWORC Grant
Rahmanian, SaeedProfessor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Raines, DianeProfessor of EnglishHumanities
Rath, DavidFacultySocial Science, Business
Ray, Connie RAssistant ProfessorNursing
Risden, Sherry DAdministrative SecretaryHealth Sciences
Rivera, JessicaTechnical ClerkScott County
Rivera, MarcosMicrocomputer SpecialistNTTS
Robbins, Jill MDirector of Testing ServicesTesting Center
Roberson, ValeriaAssociate Professor of SpeechHumanities
Roberts, DerekMicrocomputer SpecialistNetworking Technical and Telephone Support
Roberts, MatthewHelpdesk TechnicianNTTS
Roberts, SandraCoordinator of Graphic Arts, PhotographerPublic Relations
Roberts, VictoriaAdministrative SecretarySocial Science, Business and Education
Robinette, TammyAdministrative AssistantHealth Sciences
Rockwell, Jessica LClinical CoordinatorDental Hygiene
Root, Amy MAdmission SpecialistRecords and Registration
Rowan, Jennifer HLearning SpecialistLearning Center
Rudnitzki, Pamela LDirector of Student ProgramsFoundation
Salisbury, Abbie OFinancial Aid SpecialistFinancial Aid
Sandifer, DamonMaintenancePhysical Plant
Sanford, CoryAccount Clerk IIBusiness Office
Sather, LarryMathematics Learning Support SpecialistLearning Center
Scalf, DeenaAccount Clerk IIAccounting
Scarbrough, Amanda MSuccess CoachStudent Success
Scarbrough, KimberlySuccess CoachStudent Services
Schoolfield, Abigail EAssociate Professor of EnglishHumanities
Schramm, WilliamProfessorSocial Science, Business
Schutte, AndreSystems AnalystAdministrative Systems/Institutional Research
Self, Erin LTechnical ClerkLoudon County
Self, SarahDirector of Marketing and CommunicationsMarketing and Communications
Sellers, Jan BAdjunct FacultySocial Science, Business
Sexton, JeffPost Retirement FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Sexton, DanaDirector of Speech-Language Pathology Assist. ProgHealth Sciences
Sexton, Mary AAssistant Professor of BiologyMathematics and Science
Shadden, Summershea LAdjunct FacultyCOLS
Shephard, TanyaDirector of One Stop and Student SuccessStudent Success
Shillings, David APolice SergeantPolice
Shillings, RobertSecurity GuardPolice Department
Siergiej, PamelaProfessor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Simmons, Rebecca DAssistant Professor of NursingAllied Health Science and Nursing
Simpson, Sarah FSuccess CoachStudent Success
Smith, CathyAdministrative Assistant IIStudent Learning
Smith, Debra FInstructor COLS 1010Education
Smith, WayneMicrocomputer SpecialistNetworking Technical and Telephone Support
Smith, Dylan MMicrocomputer SpecialistNTTS
Snell, JeffCounselorCounseling
Snodgrass, Wanda KAdjunct ProfessorHumanities
Souza, PeterDirectorNTTS
Spellman, Andrew JDirector of Oak Ridge Branch CampusAdministration
Stainback, Joseph R IVNuclear Technology Program DirectorMathematics and Sciences
Stanley, Charity SAssistant ProfessorHealth Sciences
Starino, Ada Rose ELibrary Assistant IIILibrary Services
Starling, Melanie AAssistant DirectorFinancial Aid
Starnes, Daniel LAssistant Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Steffensen, LisaDean of StudentsStudent Services and Enrollment Management
Stephens, De Anna DAssociate Professor of EnglishHumanities
Stephens, Kristina SSuccess Coach Student Success
Stiles, Sandy LMiddle College Mechatronics ProgramMathematics and Sciences
Stiles, Saundra L.Associate Professor/Program Director Early Childhood EducationSocial Science, Business
Storey, Sonya RDirector of Student Care, Advocacy, and Accessibility ServicesCounseling
Stowe, Jennifer RAssistant Professor of PsychologySocial Sciences, Business and Education
Stringer, JamieVice PresidentStudent Services and Innovation
Strohacker, Lauren KAdjunct HumanitiesHumanities
Stryk, TedAssociate Professor of English/PhilosophyHumanities
Sturgill, Shannon EAdjunctSocial Science Business and Education
Stutts, Dustin KAssociate Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Summers, Sheryl EAccount Clerk IIPayroll
Sutton, Susan RDirector of CTAT and Distance EducationCenter for Teaching Arts and Technology
Tabor, StantonAccount Clerk IICumberland County
Tallent, Kristi LAccounts PayableBusiness Office
Taylor, Brian HPolice OfficerPolice Department
Taylor, MarkAssistant ProfessorMathematics
Tays, Cheryl ADirector Fentress County CampusAdministration
Teague, RobertAdjunct FacultyMathematics and Sciences
Templin, Autumn TEnrollment AssistantOne Stop
Terry, Teresa AAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Terwilliger, Ricky JProgram Director - Respiratory CareHealth Sciences
Thomas, Elizabeth AAssistant ProfessorHealth Sciences
Tilley, JamesMaintenance SupervisorPhysical Plant
Tinley, Jeffrey JDirector of Institutional ResearchOffice of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Tolf, Mark AAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Townson, RobinExecutive Director of Student Services OperationsFinancial Aid
Trammell, Jonathan SAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Valandingham, Megan NWriting Tutor IIILearning Center
Van Hall, Laura SAdjunct FacultyHealth Sciences
Vanderhoff-Hanaver, Peggy AAdjunct Chemistry InstructorNatural Sciences
Vann, Sandy L.Secretary IIIOak Ridge Administrative
Vaughn, LauraDirector of Library ServicesLibrary Services
Voiles, KathyAdministrative SecretaryMathematics and Sciences
Volkers, KennethAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Vowell, BethAssociate Prof./Program Director - Physical Therapist AssistantHealth Sciences
Wakeman, Mary JReading/Writing LS InstructorHumanities
Wallace, DouglasDirector of Enrollment Intelligence, Forecasting, Quality AssuranceStudent Services
Walls, GlendaAdjunct-CommunicationsHumanities
Wangler, Darlene RInstructorphlebotomy
Ward, SteveAssociate Professor of ChemistryMathematics and Sciences
Ward, Allie BStudent Enrollment RecruiterRecruitment
Ward, DianeVice President for Student LearningStudent Learning
Ward, MatthewAdministrative Secretary/Tn eCampusStudent Academic Support Services
Waters, MattProfessor of Mass Comms, TV Station Mgr, Grant WrHumanities
Watson, TimothyMicrocomputer SpecialistNTTS
Webb, DavidDirector Physical PlantPhysical Plant
Webb, Sean PAdjunct FacultySocial Science, Business and Education
Weismuller, IreneGrounds WorkerPhysical Plant
West, DanaDirector of Purchasing and ContractsPurchasing
West, WilliamNursing Faculty - Post RetirementHealth Sciences
Whaley, ChrisPresidentPresident's Office
Wibking, Kathryn RAssociate Professor of BiologyMathematics and Sciences
Wiley, Roy P.MaintenancePhysical Plant
Wilkerson, BryanProfessor of ArtHumanities
Williams, Adam RLab DocentMathematics and Sciences
Williams, Stephen WDirector Small Business AdministrationWorkforce
Williams, SusanDirectorLoudon County Center
Williams, Tracey VProgram Director Paralegal StudiesSocial Science, Business & Education
Williamson, Nancy BAdjunct FacultyHumanities
Wilson, Sharon WDirectorCampbell County Center
Wilson, VickiAssistant Director of Student SuccessStudent Services
Windham, DonProfessorSocial Science, Business
Winston, Vicki SMassage TherapyHealth Sciences
Works, LarryAdjunctSocial Science, Business & Education
Wright, Breanna NLibrary Assistant IIILibrary
Wright, Danny RDirector of Public SafetyPolice
Wysocki, Jennifer LClinical site FacilitySchool of Nursing
Yoder, Robert AProfessor of MaintenancePhysical Plant
York, Darren L.Associate Professor PsychologySocial Science, Business and Education
Young, MartinAssociate Professor - EMSHealth Sciences
Zeller, AmberleeAthletics Administrative AssistantAthletics
Zerr, QuitaDirector of RecruitmentRecruiting
Zhang, StevenProfessor of Computer ScienceMathematics and Sciences

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