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Roane State Community College

Schedule of Classes
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Schedule of Classes

This printable schedule was last updated 8/31/24 at 06:01 PM.

Course Section Codes (Delivery)

Code Delivery Type
C Clinical, for health sciences
E Enhanced, to be paired with a Learning Support course
H Hybrid, meets in a classroom periodically and online otherwise
L Laboratory
S Web (synchronous), meets online at specific times using video technology
T Meets in a classroom connected to additional campuses by video technology
W Web, take online without set meeting times (does not require travel to campus)
X Web, take online without set meeting times (may require travel for orientation, test proctoring, or service learning)
Z Accelerated

Day Codes

Code Meeting Type
M Meets on Mondays
T Meets on Tuesdays
W Meets on Wednesdays
R Meets on Thursdays
F Meets on Fridays
S Meets on Saturdays
U Meets on Sundays
RSCC, Knox County Center
CRNCourse #TitleTimeDaysRoomCreditInstructorSeats
82613 SAVEEMSA 1111 C50Advanced EMT Clinical1Roger Badger
Thomas Herron
Bret McElroy
20 / 20
82614 SAVEEMSA 1112 C50Advanced EMT Field Internship1Roger Badger
Thomas Herron
Bret McElroy
20 / 20
84141 SAVEEMSA 1150 C50Basic EMTB/A Clinical1Gary Bull
Katie Hall
Thomas Herron
18 / 20
82615 SAVEEMSA 1201 L50Adv EMT Medical Skills Lab1:30 PM - 5:30 PMT1082Roger BadgerClosed
20 / 20
82616 SAVEEMSA 1202 L50Adv EMT Trauma/Med Skills Lab1:30 PM - 5:25 PMR1082Roger BadgerClosed
20 / 20
84136 SAVEEMSA 1250 050EMT First Responder8:00 AM - 9:55 AMM1082Gary Bull
Katie Hall
18 / 20
84139 SAVEEMSA 1260 L50Basic EMTB/A Skills Lab1:30 PM - 5:25 PMM1082Gary Bull
Katie Hall
18 / 20
84137 SAVEEMSA 1350 050Intro to EMTB/A10:00 AM - 12:55 PMM1083Gary Bull
Katie Hall
18 / 20
82617 SAVEEMSA 1501 050Adv EMT Medical Emergencies8:00 AM - 1:00 PMT1085Roger BadgerClosed
20 / 20
82618 SAVEEMSA 1502 050Adv EMT Trauma/Med Emergencies8:00 AM - 1:00 PMR1085Roger BadgerClosed
20 / 20
84142 SAVEEMSA 2250 C50Basic EMTB/A Clinical2Gary Bull
Katie Hall
Thomas Herron
18 / 20
84140 SAVEEMSA 2260 L50Advanced EMTB/A Skills2:30 PM - 6:30 PMW1082Gary Bull
Katie Hall
18 / 20
84138 SAVEEMSA 2650 050Advanced EMTB/A8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
12:30 PM - 2:25 PM
6Gary Bull
Katie Hall
18 / 20
82641 SAVEEMSP 1311 C50Paramedic Clinical I3David Blevins
Thomas Herron
Bret McElroy
8 / 12
83681 SAVEEMSP 1311 C51Paramedic Clinical I3David Blevins
Thomas Herron
Bret McElroy
12 / 12
82643 SAVEEMSP 1401 L50Paramedic Skills Lab I8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
4Bret McElroy9 / 12
82644 SAVEEMSP 1401 L51Paramedic Skills Lab I8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
4Bret McElroy11 / 12
82645 SAVEEMSP 1801 050Fundamentals of Paramedic I8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
8Martin Young9 / 12
82646 SAVEEMSP 1801 051Fundamentals of Paramedic I8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
8Martin Young11 / 12
82647 SAVEEMSP 2303 L50Paramedic Practicum8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
3Thomas Herron11 / 12
82648 SAVEEMSP 2403 050Paramedic Capstone8:30 AM - 12:30 PMR1114Thomas Herron11 / 12
82649 SAVEEMSP 2513 C50Paramedic Field Internship5Thomas Herron11 / 12
83044 SAVENRSG 1330 050Pediatric Nursing12:00 PM - 1:55 PMW110-1113Gabriel McAteer12 / 14
83045 SAVENRSG 1330 051Pediatric Nursing12:00 PM - 1:55 PMW110-1113Gabriel McAteer11 / 14
83054 SAVENRSG 1330 C50Pediatric Nursing0Gabriel McAteerClosed
8 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Thursday and Friday clinical.
83055 SAVENRSG 1330 C51Pediatric Nursing0Gabriel McAteerClosed
9 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Thursday and Friday clinical.
83056 SAVENRSG 1330 C52Pediatric Nursing0Gabriel McAteerClosed
8 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Thursday and Friday clinical.
83057 SAVENRSG 1330 C53Pediatric Nursing0Heather GreggClosed
8 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Thursday and Friday clinical.
83064 SAVENRSG 1360 050Pharmacology in Nursing8:00 AM - 9:55 AM
9:00 AM - 9:55 AM
3Teresa Lucas10 / 15
83065 SAVENRSG 1360 051Pharmacology in Nursing8:00 AM - 9:55 AM
9:00 AM - 9:55 AM
3Teresa Lucas4 / 15
83070 SAVENRSG 1710 050Fundamentals of Nursing10:10 AM - 12:10 PMMF1117Rebecca Simmons
Elizabeth Thomas
12 / 15
83071 SAVENRSG 1710 051Fundamentals of Nursing10:10 AM - 12:10 PMMF1117Rebecca Simmons
Elizabeth Thomas
2 / 15
83080 SAVENRSG 1710 C50Fundamentals of Nursing0Hannah SchubertClosed
8 / 8
83081 SAVENRSG 1710 C51Fundamentals of Nursing0Vickie PierceClosed
8 / 8
83096 SAVENRSG 2630 050Med Surg Nursing II9:00 AM - 10:55 AMTW1116Elizabeth Thomas12 / 14
83097 SAVENRSG 2630 051Med Surg Nursing II9:00 AM - 10:55 AMTW1116Elizabeth Thomas11 / 14
83104 SAVENRSG 2630 C50Med Surg Nursing II0Elizabeth Thomas7 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Thursday and Friday clinical.
83105 SAVENRSG 2630 C51Med Surg Nursing II0Vickie Pierce7 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Thursday and Friday clinical.
83107 SAVENRSG 2630 C53Med Surg Nursing II0Tammy ElliottClosed
8 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Thursday and Friday clinical.
83693 SAVENRSG 2630 C54Med Surg Nursing II0Tammy Elliott7 / 8
84409 SAVENRSG 2630 C55Med Surg Nursing II0Vickie PierceClosed
8 / 8
83169 SAVEPSG 101 050Polysomnography I9:00 AM - 9:55 AMMW1014Donna Plumlee6 / 12
83170 SAVEPSG 101 L50Lab - Polysomnography I10:00 AM - 12:55 PMM1010Donna Plumlee6 / 12
83171 SAVEPSG 104 H50Sleep Disorder Diagn and Treat1044Donna Plumlee6 / 12
▲ Note:
  • Class meets at the Knox Campus in room 101 on the first and fifth week of the semester.
83172 SAVEPSG 116 050Polysomnographic Interpret10:00 AM - 11:55 AMW1013Donna Plumlee6 / 12
83173 SAVEPSG 116 L50Lab - Polysomnographic Interpr12:30 PM - 3:25 PMW1010Donna Plumlee6 / 12
83260 SAVERESP 1225 050Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology9:30 AM - 11:30 AMW1042Karyn Goins15 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology studies the different classes of drugs that affect the cardiopulmonary system. Topics include routes of administration, drug calculations, indications, modes of action, adverse reactions and assessment of effectiveness (2 Lecture hours/week). F (Prerequisites: Completion of Reading, Writing, and Math Learning Support, if required) Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
83261 SAVERESP 1320 050Cardiopulmonary Physiology8:30 AM - 11:30 AMT1043Karyn Goins15 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Cardiopulmonary Physiology provides an in-depth study of the physiology of the cardiopulmonary system. Topics include the mechanics of breathing, ventilation/perfusion relationships, gas transport mechanisms and neurologic control of ventilation. Maintenance of acid/base balance and the interpretation of arterial blood gases are also discussed (3 Lecture hrs/week). F (Prerequisites: Completion of Reading, Writing, and Math Learning Support, if required) Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
83262 SAVERESP 1410 050Fundamentals of RC I8:30 AM - 11:30 AMM1044Karyn Goins15 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Fundamentals of Respiratory Care I introduces the student to the Respiratory Care Profession. Topics covered include professional organizations, licensure, terminology, medical gas therapy, equipment cleaning, isolation techniques and basic patient assessment (3 Lecture and 3 Lab hours/week). F (Prerequisites: Completion of Reading, Writing, and Math Learning Support, if required) Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
83263 SAVERESP 1410 L50Fundamentals of RC I12:30 PM - 3:30 PMM1050Karyn Goins9 / 10
▲ Note:
  • Fundamentals of Respiratory Care I introduces the student to the Respiratory Care Profession. Topics covered include professional organizations, licensure, terminology, medical gas therapy, equipment cleaning, isolation techniques and basic patient assessment (3 Lecture and 3 Lab hours/week). F (Prerequisites: Completion of Reading, Writing, and Math Learning Support, if required) Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
83264 SAVERESP 1410 L51Fundamentals of RC I12:30 PM - 3:30 PMW1050Karyn Goins6 / 10
▲ Note:
  • Fundamentals of Respiratory Care I introduces the student to the Respiratory Care Profession. Topics covered include professional organizations, licensure, terminology, medical gas therapy, equipment cleaning, isolation techniques and basic patient assessment (3 Lecture and 3 Lab hours/week). F (Prerequisites: Completion of Reading, Writing, and Math Learning Support, if required) Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
83265 SAVERESP 2330 050Hemodynamic Monitoring8:30 AM - 11:30 AMF1043Ricky Terwilliger7 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring introduces the student to the theory and application of cardiac output measurement. Arterial line insertion techniques and care, and hazards will also be discussed. Hemodynamic studies will include; insertion, care, and hazards of flow directed balloon tipped catheters and the central venous pressure catheter, along with a discussion of central venous pressures, right atrial pressures, right ventricular pressures, pulmonary artery pressures, and pulmonary occluding pressures. This study will also introduce the student to equipment associated with hemodynamic monitoring such as transducers and monitoring of electrocardiograms will be introduced to include; lead application, pharmacology for the cardiovascular problems, and tracing interpretation (3 Lecture hrs/week). F (Prerequisites: Admission to the Respiratory Care program, completion of Reading, Writing, and Math Learning Support, if required) Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
83266 SAVERESP 2341 C50Clinical Practice - 26:30 AM - 2:30 PMTR3Karyn Goins
Ricky Terwilliger
7 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Clinical Practice II is a continuation of RESP 1220, Introduction to Clinical Practice. Competency is to be gained in airway management therapies, institution of mechanical ventilation; non-invasive monitoring; arterial blood sampling and analysis along with quality assurance techniques (16 Clinical hrs/week). F (Prerequisites: Admission to the Respiratory Care program, completion of Reading, Writing, and Math Learning Support, if required) Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
83267 SAVERESP 2370 050Neonatal Respiratory Care12:30 PM - 3:30 PMW1043Ricky Terwilliger7 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Neonatal Respiratory Care covers the development and physiology of the fetal and neonatal cardiopulmonary systems including fetal circulation, lung development, the delivery process and changes required for transition to life outside the uterus. Neonatal and pediatric pulmonary disorders will be overviewed and the treatment of these disorders will be explored with an emphasis on respiratory care techniques (3 Lecture hrs/week). F (Prerequisites: Admission to the the Respiratory Care program, completion of Reading, Writing, and Math Learning Support, if required) Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
82307 SAVERESP 2460 050Fundamentals of RC III8:30 AM - 11:30 AMM1054Ricky Terwilliger7 / 20
82308 SAVERESP 2460 L50Fundamentals of RC III8:30 AM - 11:30 AMW1050Ricky Terwilliger7 / 20

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