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Roane State Community College

Schedule of Classes
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Schedule of Classes

This printable schedule was last updated 1/20/25 at 06:00 PM.

Course Section Codes (Delivery)

Code Delivery Type
C Clinical, for health sciences
E Enhanced, to be paired with a Learning Support course
H Hybrid, meets in a classroom periodically and online otherwise
L Laboratory
S Web (synchronous), meets online at specific times using video technology
T Meets in a classroom connected to additional campuses by video technology
W Web, take online without set meeting times (does not require travel to campus)
X Web, take online without set meeting times (may require travel for orientation, test proctoring, or service learning)
Z Accelerated

Day Codes

Code Meeting Type
M Meets on Mondays
T Meets on Tuesdays
W Meets on Wednesdays
R Meets on Thursdays
F Meets on Fridays
S Meets on Saturdays
U Meets on Sundays
Web Classes Without Any Set Meeting Time
CRNCourse #TitleTimeDaysRoomCreditInstructorSeats
10004 SAVEACCT 1010 W01Principles of Accounting IWEB3Quentin Below28 / 29
10013 SAVEACCT 1020 W01Principles of Accounting IIWEB3Quentin BelowClosed
25 / 25
11331 SAVEAGRI 1030 W01Introduction to Plant ScienceWEB4Daniel Starnes11 / 25
11332 SAVEAGRI 1030 WL1LAB-Intro to Plant ScienceWEB0Daniel Starnes11 / 25
11333 SAVEAGRI 1050 W01Intro to Soil ScienceWEB4Daniel Starnes8 / 18
10017 SAVEALHS 1211 W01Terminology for Medical CommWEB2Maribeth VowellClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Web, take online without set meeting times, but does require traveling to campus for mid-term and final exams.
10018 SAVEALHS 1211 W02Terminology for Medical CommWEB2Maribeth VowellClosed
25 / 25
10019 SAVEALHS 1211 W03Terminology for Medical CommWEB2Maribeth Vowell14 / 25
10020 SAVEALHS 1300 W01Intro to Health-Related ProfWEB3Michael Laman16 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Class will meet via ZOOM during the first week for course orientation. Students will be notified of the orientation schedule via their Raidernet and Momentum emails.
10023 SAVEALHS 2311 W01Mgt and Leadership for ALH SupWEB3Michael Laman15 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Class will meet via ZOOM during the first week for course orientation. Students will be notified of the orientation schedule via their Raidernet and Momentum email
10024 SAVEALHS 2312 W01Contemporary Issues in HealthcWEB3Michael Laman10 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Class will meet via ZOOM during the first week for course orientation. Students will be notified of the orientation schedule via their Raidernet and Momentum email
11102 SAVEALHS 2313 W01Special Topics in Healthcare MWEB3Jason Pilant5 / 10
▲ Note:
  • Class will meet via ZOOM during the first week for course orientation. Students will be notified of the orientation schedule via their Raidernet and Momentum email
10025 SAVEALHS 2314 W01Medical Law and EthicsWEB3Michael Laman19 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Class will meet via ZOOM during the first week for course orientation. Students will be notified of the orientation schedule via their Raidernet and Momentum email
10026 SAVEALHS 2315 W01Experiential LearningWEB3Michael Laman1 / 5
▲ Note:
  • Class will meet via ZOOM during the first week for course orientation. Students will be notified of the orientation schedule via their Raidernet and Momentum emails.
10027 SAVEALHS 2317 W01Fundamentals of Healthcare FinWEB3Michael Laman8 / 10
▲ Note:
  • Class will meet via ZOOM during the first week for course orientation. Students will be notified of the orientation schedule via their Raidernet and Momentum emails.
10031 SAVEANTH 1230 W01Intro to Cultural AnthropologyWEB3Jessica Dalton-CarrigerClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • *Web, take online without set meeting times (does not require travel to campus).
11063 SAVEART 1035 W01Introduction to ArtMeeting datesWEB3Bryan WilkersonClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester.
11042 SAVEART 1035 W02Introduction to ArtMeeting datesWEB3Stacy JacobsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class that will run the first ten weeks of the semester.
11064 SAVEART 1035 W03Introduction to ArtMeeting datesWEB3Bryan WilkersonClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester.
11043 SAVEART 1035 W04Introduction to ArtMeeting datesWEB3Mary DyerClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class that will run the first ten weeks of the semester.
11111 SAVEART 1035 W05Introduction to ArtMeeting datesWEB3Lauren StrohackerClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11510 SAVEART 1035 W06Introduction to ArtMeeting datesWEB3Jennifer Brickey17 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11217 SAVEART 1035 W1SIntroduction to ArtMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Stacy JacobsClosed
11 / 11
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
11226 SAVEART 1035 W2SIntroduction to ArtMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Bryan WilkersonClosed
12 / 12
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
11337 SAVEBIOL 1110 W01General Biology IWEB4Jason Payne29 / 30
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 1110-WL1 (11341).
11338 SAVEBIOL 1110 W02General Biology IWEB4Claudia CummingsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 1110-WL2 (11342).
11339 SAVEBIOL 1110 W03General Biology IWEB4Claudia Cummings24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 1110-WL3 (11343).
11340 SAVEBIOL 1110 W04General Biology IWEB4Jason Payne24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 1110-WL4 (13920).
11237 SAVEBIOL 1110 W1SGeneral Biology IMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB4Claudia Cummings6 / 13
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. You must also register for the virtual lab that goes with this course, BIOL 1110-WLS (11238).
11341 SAVEBIOL 1110 WL1LAB - General Biology IWEB0Felicia Willets29 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 1110 lecture (W01).
11342 SAVEBIOL 1110 WL2LAB - General Biology IWEB0Felicia WilletsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 1110 lecture (W02).
11343 SAVEBIOL 1110 WL3LAB - General Biology IWEB0Felicia Willets24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 1110 lecture (W03).
11344 SAVEBIOL 1110 WL4LAB - General Biology IWEB0Felicia Willets24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 1110 lecture (W04).
11238 SAVEBIOL 1110 WLSLAB-General Biology IMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB0Claudia Cummings6 / 13
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. This is a virtual lab that can only be taken with the web lecture, 11237 (BIOL 1110-W1S).
10070 SAVEBIOL 1120 W01General Biology IIWEB4Claudia CummingsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 1120-WL1 (10071).
11353 SAVEBIOL 1120 W02General Biology IIWEB4Ashley GallowayClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 1120-WL2 (11355).
11354 SAVEBIOL 1120 W03General Biology IIWEB4Claudia CummingsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 1120-WL3 (11356).
11499 SAVEBIOL 1120 W04General Biology IIWEB4Ashley Galloway13 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 1120-WL4.
10071 SAVEBIOL 1120 WL1LAB - General Biology IIWEB0Felicia WilletsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 1120 lecture (W01).
11355 SAVEBIOL 1120 WL2LAB - General Biology IIWEB0Ashley GallowayClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 1120 lecture (W02).
11356 SAVEBIOL 1120 WL3LAB - General Biology IIWEB0Felicia WilletsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 1120 lecture (W03).
11500 SAVEBIOL 1120 WL4LAB - General Biology IIWEB0Ashley Galloway13 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 1120 lecture (W04).
11335 SAVEBIOL 1510 W01Environmental Science IWEB3Davyda HammondClosed
25 / 25
11336 SAVEBIOL 1510 W02Environmental Science IWEB3Davyda Hammond19 / 25
11357 SAVEBIOL 2010 W01Human Anatomy and Phys IWEB4M Saeed RahmanianClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2010-WL1 (11361).
11358 SAVEBIOL 2010 W02Human Anatomy and Phys IWEB4Isabel Benitez-RamirezClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2010-WL2 (11362).
11359 SAVEBIOL 2010 W03Human Anatomy and Phys IWEB4M Saeed Rahmanian27 / 30
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2010-WL3 (11363).
11360 SAVEBIOL 2010 W04Human Anatomy and Phys IWEB4John NotoClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2010-WL4 (11364).
11239 SAVEBIOL 2010 W1SHuman Anatomy and Phys IMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB4Isabel Benitez-Ramirez12 / 17
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. You must also register for the virtual lab that goes with this course, BIOL 2010-WLS (11240).
11361 SAVEBIOL 2010 WL1LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys IWEB0M Saeed RahmanianClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2010 lecture (W01).
11362 SAVEBIOL 2010 WL2LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys IWEB0Isabel Benitez-RamirezClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2010 lecture (W02).
11363 SAVEBIOL 2010 WL3LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys IWEB0M Saeed Rahmanian27 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2010 lecture (W03).
11364 SAVEBIOL 2010 WL4LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys IWEB0John NotoClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2010 lecture (W04).
11240 SAVEBIOL 2010 WLSLAB-Human Anatomy and Phys IMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB0Isabel Benitez-Ramirez12 / 17
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. This is a virtual lab that can only be taken with the web lecture, 11239 (BIOL 2010-W1S).
10105 SAVEBIOL 2020 W01Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB4Jala DanielClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this section will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2020-WL1 (10106).
11366 SAVEBIOL 2020 W02Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB4Dustin Stutts24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2020-WL2 (11370).
11367 SAVEBIOL 2020 W03Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB4John NotoClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2020-WL3 (11371).
11368 SAVEBIOL 2020 W04Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB4Kathryn WibkingClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2020-WL4 (15915).
12159 SAVEBIOL 2020 W05Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB4Mary Sexton28 / 30
▲ Note:
  • Students in this section will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2020-WL5 (12160).
11241 SAVEBIOL 2020 W1SHuman Anatomy and Phys IIMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB4Jala Daniel14 / 17
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. You must also register for the virtual lab that goes with this course, BIOL 2020-WLS (11242).
10106 SAVEBIOL 2020 WL1LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB0Jala DanielClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2020 lecture (W01).
11370 SAVEBIOL 2020 WL2LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB0Dustin Stutts24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2020 lecture (W02).
11371 SAVEBIOL 2020 WL3LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB0John NotoClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2020 lecture (W03).
11372 SAVEBIOL 2020 WL4LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB0Kathryn WibkingClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2020 lecture (W04).
12160 SAVEBIOL 2020 WL5LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys IIWEB0Adam Williams28 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2020 lecture (W05).
11242 SAVEBIOL 2020 WLSLAB-Human Anatomy and Phys IIMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB0Jala Daniel14 / 17
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. This is a virtual lab that can only be taken with the web lecture, 11241 (BIOL 2020-W1S).
10117 SAVEBIOL 2230 W01MicrobiologyWEB4Pamela SiergiejClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2230-WL1 (10118).
11374 SAVEBIOL 2230 W02MicrobiologyWEB4Dustin StuttsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2230-WL2 (11376).
11375 SAVEBIOL 2230 W03MicrobiologyWEB4Pamela Siergiej24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section BIOL 2230-WL3 (11377).
11243 SAVEBIOL 2230 W1SMicrobiologyMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB4Dustin Stutts13 / 17
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. You must also register for the virtual lab that goes with this course, BIOL 2230-WLS (11244).
10118 SAVEBIOL 2230 WL1LAB - MicrobiologyWEB0Pamela SiergiejClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2230 lecture (W01).
11376 SAVEBIOL 2230 WL2LAB - MicrobiologyWEB0Dustin StuttsClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2230 lecture (W02).
11377 SAVEBIOL 2230 WL3LAB - MicrobiologyWEB0Pamela Siergiej24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, BIOL 2230 lecture (W03).
11244 SAVEBIOL 2230 WLSLAB-MicrobiologyMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB0Dustin Stutts13 / 17
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. This is a virtual lab that can only be taken with web lecture, 11243 (BIOL 2230-W1S).
10124 SAVEBUSN 1305 W01Introduction to BusinessWEB3Randy NesbitClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
10974 SAVEBUSN 1305 W02Introduction to BusinessMeeting datesWEB3Randy Nesbit16 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information
11012 SAVEBUSN 1305 W03Introduction to BusinessMeeting datesWEB3Randy Nesbit12 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10125 SAVEBUSN 1320 X01Business CalculationsWEB3Bradley Fox8 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Final Exam must be completed in an RSCC Testing Center.
10985 SAVEBUSN 1330 W01EntrepreneurshipMeeting datesWEB3Bradley Fox19 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11013 SAVEBUSN 1350 W01Sales and ServiceMeeting datesWEB3Gloria Drake18 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10127 SAVEBUSN 1360 W01Software Appl for BusinessWEB3Gloria Drake24 / 25
▲ Note:
11503 SAVEBUSN 1360 W02Software Appl for BusinessWEB3Gloria Drake18 / 25
10986 SAVEBUSN 1380 W01Supervisory ManagementMeeting datesWEB3Bradley FoxClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10136 SAVEBUSN 2300 W01Business EthicsWEB3Shawn Bucher22 / 25
11014 SAVEBUSN 2340 W01Human Resource ManagementWEB3Cheryl TaysClosed
30 / 30
10987 SAVEBUSN 2350 W01Organizational BehaviorMeeting datesWEB3Gloria DrakeClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10140 SAVEBUSN 2380 W01Principles of MarketingMeeting datesWEB3Gloria Drake22 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10141 SAVEBUSN 2390 W01Business PresentationsMeeting datesWEB3Gloria DrakeClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 10-week web course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11015 SAVEBUSN 2392 W01Business InnovationsMeeting datesWEB3Bradley Fox11 / 25
▲ Note:
11016 SAVEBUSN 2399 W01Management SeminarMeeting datesWEB3Bradley Fox22 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information. Please log into to get started.
11740 SAVEBUSN 2399 W02Management SeminarMeeting datesWEB3Bradley Fox10 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11201 SAVECHEM 1010 W01Introductory Chemistry IWEB4Alexandria Bone24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional lab (all labs on-ground) or a virtual lab (all labs are completed online).
12169 SAVECHEM 1010 W02Introductory Chemistry IWEB4Alexandria Bone23 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional lab (all labs on-ground) or a virtual lab (all labs are completed online).
11202 SAVECHEM 1010 WL1LAB-Introductory Chemistry IWEB0Athena Baranowski24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online).
12170 SAVECHEM 1010 WL2LAB-Introductory Chemistry IWEB0Athena Baranowski21 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online).
12004 SAVECHEM 1020 W01Introductory Chemistry IIWEB4Alexandria Bone23 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for the web lab, CHEM 1020 WL1.
12005 SAVECHEM 1020 WL1LAB-Introductory Chemistry IIWEB0Alexandria Bone23 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online).
11547 SAVECHEM 1110 W01General Chemistry IWEB4Meagan Edmonds34 / 35
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional lab (all labs on-ground) OR web (asynchronous) OR hybrid (web asynchronous + ground).
11246 SAVECHEM 1110 W1SGeneral Chemistry IMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB4Meagan Edmonds9 / 16
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. You must also register for the virtual lab that goes with this course, CHEM 1110-WLS (11247).
11548 SAVECHEM 1110 WL1LAB - General Chemistry IWEB0Athena Baranowski34 / 35
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online).
11247 SAVECHEM 1110 WLSLAB-General Chemistry IMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB0Meagan Edmonds9 / 16
▲ Note:
  • 4 week winter term course. This is a virtual lab that can only be taken with the web lecture, 11246 (CHEM 1110-W1S).
11203 SAVECHEM 1120 W01General Chemistry IIWEB4Sylvia PastorClosed
20 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional lab (all labs on-ground) OR web (asynchronous) OR hybrid (web asynchronous + ground).
12187 SAVECHEM 1120 W02General Chemistry IIWEB4Meagan Edmonds18 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional lab (all labs on-ground) OR web (asynchronous) OR hybrid (web asynchronous + ground).
11204 SAVECHEM 1120 WL1LAB - General Chemistry IIWEB0Sylvia PastorClosed
20 / 20
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online).
12188 SAVECHEM 1120 WL2LAB-General Chemistry IIWEB0Meagan EdmondsClosed
20 / 20
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online).
11205 SAVECHEM 2020 W01Organic Chemistry IIWEB4Allen Ward5 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional (on-ground) lab OR a virtual lab (all components are completed online).
11206 SAVECHEM 2020 WL1LAB - Organic Chemistry IIWEB0Allen Ward5 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab. Check with your transfer institution to ensure that a virtual lab meets the requirements for transfer.
10168 SAVECISP 1020 W01Computer Science IIWEB4Homer Weeks13 / 25
10169 SAVECITC 1300 W01Beginning HTML and CSSWEB3Zhihe Zhang23 / 25
10171 SAVECITC 1303 W01Database ConceptsWEB3Zhihe ZhangClosed
30 / 30
10172 SAVECITC 1310 W01Programming IWEB3George MeghabghabClosed
30 / 30
10173 SAVECITC 1311 W01Programming IIWEB3George Meghabghab19 / 25
10174 SAVECITC 1318 W01Data StructuresWEB3George Meghabghab4 / 25
10175 SAVECITC 1333 W01Linux LPIC-IWEB3Zhihe Zhang29 / 30
11684 SAVECITC 2320 W01Windows Server AdministrationWEB3Chad Waddell8 / 25
10177 SAVECITC 2326 W01Network SecurityWEB3Chad Waddell17 / 25
10178 SAVECITC 2356 W01Penetrating Test and Ntwrk DefWEB3Connor Gannon20 / 25
10179 SAVECITC 2399 W01Internship CITCWEB3George MeghabghabClosed
13 / 0
▲ Note:
  • For more information on this internship please contact George Meghabghab at 865-481-2000, ext. 2121
11057 SAVECOLS 1010 W01SOS - Study, Organize, SucceedMeeting datesWEB3Leah DeasyClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information
11058 SAVECOLS 1010 W02SOS - Study, Organize, SucceedMeeting datesWEB3Nancy HamiltonClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 10-week web course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
12151 SAVECOLS 1010 W03SOS - Study, Organize, SucceedMeeting datesWEB3Nancy HamiltonClosed
25 / 25
12192 SAVECOLS 1010 W04SOS - Study, Organize, SucceedMeeting datesWEB3Barbara Bacon11 / 24
11313 SAVECOLS 1010 W1SSOS - Study, Organize, SucceedMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Nancy Hamilton12 / 15
11060 SAVECOMM 2025 W01Fundamentals of CommunicationMeeting datesWEB3Melanie HildebrandtClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class. This class will run the first ten weeks of the semester. *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
11117 SAVECOMM 2025 W02Fundamentals of CommunicationMeeting datesWEB3Melanie HildebrandtClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class. This class will run the first ten weeks of the semester. *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
11517 SAVECOMM 2025 W03Fundamentals of CommunicationMeeting datesWEB3Brian Gerber24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. *** *** Additionally, this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
11561 SAVECOMM 2025 W04Fundamentals of CommunicationWEB3Ann MorphewClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
11562 SAVECOMM 2025 W05Fundamentals of CommunicationWEB3Amy McCarrollClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
11772 SAVECOMM 2025 W06Fundamentals of CommunicationWEB3Ann MorphewClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
12155 SAVECOMM 2025 W07Fundamentals of CommunicationWEB3Alyssa MossClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
12163 SAVECOMM 2025 W08Fundamentals of CommunicationWEB3Lisa Barrick24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
12174 SAVECOMM 2025 W09Fundamentals of CommunicationMeeting datesWEB3Lisa BarrickClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
12190 SAVECOMM 2025 W10Fundamentals of CommunicationMeeting datesWEB3STAFF22 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted.
11493 SAVECOMM 2025 W1SFundamentals of CommunicationMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Michael GolebiewskiClosed
10 / 10
▲ Note:
  • *** Note that this course requires that speeches be submitted in video format. Due to the nature of the class, no exceptions will be permitted. This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
10194 SAVECRMJ 1020 X01Intro to the Legal ProcessWEB3Elizabeth Lewis13 / 25
▲ Note:
  • The midterm and final exams must be taken at one of the 9 RSCC testing centers. The testing center hours of operation and guidelines may be found at
10964 SAVECRMJ 1340 W01Criminal InvestigationMeeting datesWEB3Mikaela Cooney13 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 5-week accelerated course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10954 SAVECRMJ 1355 W01Understanding TerrorismMeeting datesWEB3Mikaela Cooney10 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information
10213 SAVECRMJ 2020 W01Introduction to CorrectionsWEB3Mikaela Cooney13 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a web course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information. The midterm and final exams must be taken at one of the 9 RSCC testing centers. The testing center hours of operation and guidelines may be found at
10229 SAVEECED 1310 W01Intro to Early Childhood EduWEB3Saundra Stiles17 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Fieldwork required.
11314 SAVEECED 1310 W1SIntro to Early Childhood EduMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Saundra Stiles7 / 12
11613 SAVEECED 2340 W01Family Dynamics and Comm InvolMeeting datesWEB3Saundra StilesClosed
35 / 35
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
12081 SAVEECED 2360 W01Dev of Exceptional ChildWEB3Saundra Stiles10 / 25
12082 SAVEECED 2370 W01Developmental AssessmentWEB3Saundra Stiles20 / 25
10233 SAVEECED 2390 W01Creative DevelopmentWEB3Saundra Stiles23 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Fieldwork required
11402 SAVEECON 2100 X01Principles of MacroeconomicsWEB3William SchrammClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
11403 SAVEECON 2100 X02Principles of MacroeconomicsWEB3William SchrammClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
11404 SAVEECON 2200 X01Principles of MicroeconomicsWEB3William SchrammClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
12084 SAVEEDUC 2000 W01Intro to EducationWEB3Susanna MillerClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This course requires 20 hours of observation in a public school setting. This course is textless.
12085 SAVEEDUC 2210 W01Educational PsychologyMeeting datesWEB3Diane Ward19 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
12090 SAVEEDUC 2220 W01Intro Except Lrnr/Spec EdWEB3Stacie Bradshaw24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This course requires 10 hours of service learning. This course is textless.
10375 SAVEENGL 1010 W01Composition IWEB3Olivia FrittsClosed
25 / 25
10376 SAVEENGL 1010 W02Composition IWEB3Elizabeth GenoviseClosed
25 / 25
11115 SAVEENGL 1010 W03Composition IWEB3De Anna StephensClosed
25 / 25
11136 SAVEENGL 1010 W04Composition IMeeting datesWEB3Margaret BouldinClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11658 SAVEENGL 1010 W05Composition IMeeting datesWEB3Matthew McDonaldClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester.
10418 SAVEENGL 1020 W01Composition IIWEB3De Anna StephensClosed
25 / 25
10419 SAVEENGL 1020 W02Composition IIWEB3Gary GravelyClosed
25 / 25
11068 SAVEENGL 1020 W03Composition IIMeeting datesWEB3Turner BowlingClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11069 SAVEENGL 1020 W04Composition IIMeeting datesWEB3Gary GravelyClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11126 SAVEENGL 1020 W05Composition IIMeeting datesWEB3Gary GravelyClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11425 SAVEENGL 1020 W06Composition IIWEB3Elizabeth GenoviseClosed
25 / 25
11502 SAVEENGL 1020 W07Composition IIMeeting datesWEB3Abigail Schoolfield4 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11219 SAVEENGL 1020 W1SComposition IIMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Turner Bowling11 / 15
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
10420 SAVEENGL 2110 W01Early American LiteratureWEB3Matthew McDonaldClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence..
10421 SAVEENGL 2110 W02Early American LiteratureWEB3Jayme NairClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence..
11070 SAVEENGL 2110 W03Early American LiteratureMeeting datesWEB3Gary GravelyClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence.
11646 SAVEENGL 2110 W04Early American LiteratureMeeting datesWEB3Belita RainesClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence..
11220 SAVEENGL 2110 W1SEarly American LiteratureMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Krysten Anderson11 / 12
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
10422 SAVEENGL 2120 W01Modern American LiteratureWEB3Turner BowlingClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence.
11112 SAVEENGL 2120 W02Modern American LiteratureWEB3Elizabeth GenoviseClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence..
11644 SAVEENGL 2120 W03Modern American LiteratureMeeting datesWEB3De Anna Stephens20 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. *** Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence.
11221 SAVEENGL 2120 W1SModern American LiteratureMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Elizabeth Genovise14 / 16
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
11071 SAVEENGL 2310 W01Early World LiteratureMeeting datesWEB3Ralph Monday21 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence.
11256 SAVEENST 1311 W01Computer Aided Design IWEB3Guilherme GarciaClosed
25 / 25
10430 SAVEFNCE 1330 W01Introductions to InvestmentsWEB3Ricky Molchan11 / 25
11383 SAVEFNCE 2320 W01Principles of InsuranceWEB3Ricky Molchan7 / 25
10432 SAVEGEOG 2010 W01World Regional GeographyWEB3David WestClosed
25 / 25
10433 SAVEGEOG 2010 W02World Regional GeographyWEB3David WestClosed
25 / 25
11305 SAVEGEOL 1050 W01Historical GeologyWEB4Clarissa Leight29 / 30
▲ Note:
  • Students will need to register for the mandatory virtual lab listed as section GEOL 1050-WL1 (11306).
11306 SAVEGEOL 1050 WL1LAB - Historical GeologyWEB0Clarissa LeightClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This is a virtual lab (all components are completed online) and can only be taken with the WEB, GEOL 1050 lecture (W01).
10444 SAVEGIS 211 W01Internet Mapping ApplicationsWEB3Antonio Smith1 / 25
10447 SAVEGIS 230 W01GIS Project ManagementWEB3Antonio Smith1 / 25
10449 SAVEHEA 201 W01Principles of NutritionWEB3Morgan Anderson24 / 25
11315 SAVEHEA 201 W1SPrinciples of NutritionMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Monica Boles9 / 10
10456 SAVEHEA 227 W01Intro to Exercise ScienceWEB3Monica Boles24 / 25
10457 SAVEHIMT 1201 W01Medical Office ProceduresWEB2Nikki Newberry13 / 25
10467 SAVEHIMT 1300 W01Medical TerminologyWEB3Nikki NewberryClosed
30 / 30
10468 SAVEHIMT 1300 W02Medical TerminologyWEB3Nikki Newberry28 / 30
11107 SAVEHIMT 1300 W03Medical TerminologyWEB3Nikki NewberryClosed
25 / 25
10469 SAVEHIMT 1301 W01Intro to Health Info MgtWEB3Nikki Newberry17 / 25
10471 SAVEHIMT 1305 W01Comp Appl in Health InfoWEB3April Insco5 / 15
11638 SAVEHIMT 2205 W01Revenue Cycle ManagementWEB2April Insco2 / 15
11639 SAVEHIMT 2209 W01Data Analysis and StatisticsWEB2Nikki Newberry3 / 15
10472 SAVEHIMT 2212 W01Seminar in Health Info MgtWEB2Nikki Newberry3 / 15
10473 SAVEHIMT 2301 W01CPT CodingWEB3April Insco6 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Orientation at 5:00 PM EST on Thursday, January 23, 2025 via Zoom.
11779 SAVEHIMT 2301 W02CPT CodingWEB3April Insco7 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Orientation at 5:00 PM EST on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 via Zoom.
10477 SAVEHIMT 2302 W01Basic ICD Coding IIWEB3April Insco12 / 25
10487 SAVEHIST 2010 W01Early United States HistoryWEB3John BrownClosed
25 / 25
10488 SAVEHIST 2010 W02Early United States HistoryWEB3Charlie CobbClosed
30 / 30
12156 SAVEHIST 2010 W03Early United States HistoryMeeting datesWEB3John BrownClosed
30 / 30
11316 SAVEHIST 2010 W1SEarly United States HistoryMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Elizabeth KittsClosed
10 / 10
10502 SAVEHIST 2020 W01Modern United States HistoryWEB3Charlie CobbClosed
30 / 30
11028 SAVEHIST 2020 W02Modern United States HistoryMeeting datesWEB3Charlie CobbClosed
35 / 35
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11029 SAVEHIST 2020 W03Modern United States HistoryMeeting datesWEB3Charlie CobbClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11317 SAVEHIST 2020 W1SModern United States HistoryMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Charlie Cobb6 / 10
10503 SAVEHIST 2030 W01Tennessee HistoryWEB3Donald MillerClosed
30 / 30
11627 SAVEHIST 2030 W02Tennessee HistoryWEB3Donald MillerClosed
25 / 25
10506 SAVEHIST 2210 W01Early Western CivilizationWEB3Steven CarrigerClosed
25 / 25
11030 SAVEHIST 2210 W02Early Western CivilizationMeeting datesWEB3Steven Carriger16 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11318 SAVEHIST 2210 W1SEarly Western CivilizationMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Steven Carriger6 / 15
10518 SAVEHIST 2220 W01Modern Western CivilizationWEB3Steven CarrigerClosed
25 / 25
11031 SAVEHIST 2220 W02Modern Western CivilizationMeeting datesWEB3Elizabeth Kitts22 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11319 SAVEHIST 2220 W1SModern Western CivilizationMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Steven Carriger6 / 13
10519 SAVEHIST 2310 W01Early World HistoryWEB3Steven CarrigerClosed
30 / 30
10520 SAVEHIST 2320 W01Modern World HistoryWEB3Steven CarrigerClosed
25 / 25
11072 SAVEHUM 1010 W01Early HumanitiesMeeting datesWEB3Ralph MondayClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11073 SAVEHUM 1010 W02Early HumanitiesMeeting datesWEB3Ralph Monday24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11222 SAVEHUM 1010 W1SEarly HumanitiesMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Ralph Monday10 / 11
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
11662 SAVEHUM 1020 W01Modern HumanitiesMeeting datesWEB3Ralph MondayClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11777 SAVEHUM 1020 W02Modern HumanitiesMeeting datesWEB3Ralph Monday14 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
10530 SAVEINFS 1010 W01Computer ApplicationsWEB3Zhihe ZhangClosed
30 / 30
10531 SAVEINFS 1010 W02Computer ApplicationsWEB3Zhihe ZhangClosed
30 / 30
11074 SAVEINFS 1010 WZ1Computer ApplicationsMeeting datesWEB3Susan SuttonClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a 10-week LATE START class. Class officially begins on February 18, 2025.
11412 SAVELEGL 2340 S01Property Law -
5:00 PM - 6:20 PM

Meeting dates
3Tracey Williams3 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 10-week course. The first 7 weeks are synchronous meetings and the last 3 weeks are asynchronous online. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11423 SAVEMATH 1010 X01Math for General StudiesWEB3Jillian Miller32 / 35
▲ Note:
  • Students in MATH 0010 cannot register for this section. All exams must be taken in the testing center. The testing center hours of operation and guidelines may be found at
10574 SAVEMATH 1130 X01College AlgebraWEB3Jimmy Miller33 / 35
▲ Note:
  • This online course requires 4 exams and 1 comprehensive final exam. All exams must be taken in the testing center. The testing center hours of operation and guidelines may be found at
11245 SAVEMATH 1530 W1SIntroductory StatisticsMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Jessica Chambers10 / 13
▲ Note:
  • STUDENTS IN MATH 0530 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO TAKE THIS WEB CLASS. This is a winter-term, 4-week class held December 16, 2024 - January 17, 2025. A TI-84 is required for this course and can be checked out the first week of class from the library. Students will be required to use Yuga Verity for (2) proctored tests. More information about Yuga Verity can be found at
10618 SAVEMATH 1530 X01Introductory StatisticsWEB3Deborah MilesClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • STUDENTS IN MATH 0530 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO TAKE THIS WEB CLASS. You will be required to make 4 trips to an on-campus Testing Center for exams. Roane State Testing Center locations, hours of operation, and guidelines may be found at
10619 SAVEMATH 1530 X02Introductory StatisticsWEB3Jennifer ParkerClosed
30 / 30
▲ Note:
  • STUDENTS IN MATH 0530 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO TAKE THIS WEB CLASS. You will be required to make 4 trips to an on-campus Testing Center for exams. Roane State Testing Center locations, hours of operation, and guidelines may be found at
11075 SAVEMATH 1530 XZ1Introductory StatisticsMeeting datesWEB3Jennifer Parker29 / 30
▲ Note:
  • This is a LATE start, 10 week web class. Class officially begins February 18, 2025. STUDENTS IN MATH 0530 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO TAKE THIS WEB CLASS. You will be required to make 4 trips to an on-campus Testing Center for exams. Roane State Testing Center locations, hours of operation, and guidelines may be found at
11155 SAVEMCOM 1020 W01Introduction to Media WritingWEB3Amy McCarroll12 / 25
11838 SAVEMCOM 1110 W01Media and Social InstitutionsMeeting datesWEB3Amy McCarroll4 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class. This class will run the first ten weeks of the semester.***
11681 SAVEMLAB 2130 W02Seminar IWEB1Madeline HibbardClosed
12 / 12
11391 SAVEMLAB 2201 W01Clinical ImmunologyWEB2Madeline HibbardClosed
12 / 12
10671 SAVEMUS 1030 W01Introduction to MusicWEB3Dale DisneyClosed
30 / 30
11076 SAVEMUS 1030 W03Introduction to MusicMeeting datesWEB3Amanda PeavyhouseClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11077 SAVEMUS 1030 W04Introduction to MusicMeeting datesWEB3Amanda PeavyhouseClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11128 SAVEMUS 1030 W05Introduction to MusicMeeting datesWEB3Amanda Peavyhouse20 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
12175 SAVEMUS 1030 W06Introduction to MusicMeeting datesWEB3STAFF1 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11223 SAVEMUS 1030 W1SIntroduction to MusicMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Dale DisneyClosed
10 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
11538 SAVEMUS 1037 W01Intro to World MusicWEB3Dale Disney9 / 25
10759 SAVEOTAP 1240 W01OT Doc with Level 1 BWEB2Kristin Felder15 / 20
10768 SAVEPHED 1100 W01Fitness Walking1Monica BolesClosed
29 / 29
10777 SAVEPHED 1750 W01Concepts of WellnessWEB2Johnny Jones21 / 25
11429 SAVEPHED 2090 001Varsity Sports IIWEB1Alan Holt17 / 55
▲ Note:
  • Restricted to Varsity Athletes.
10789 SAVEPHIL 1030 W01Introduction to PhilosophyWEB3Theodore StrykClosed
25 / 25
11839 SAVEPHIL 1030 W02Introduction to PhilosophyWEB3Theodore StrykClosed
25 / 25
12158 SAVEPHIL 1030 W03Introduction to PhilosophyMeeting datesWEB3Theodore Stryk24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11224 SAVEPHIL 1030 W1SIntroduction to PhilosophyMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Theodore StrykClosed
11 / 11
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
10792 SAVEPHIL 1040 W01Introduction to EthicsMeeting datesWEB3Jason FishelClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
10793 SAVEPHIL 1040 W02Introduction to EthicsWEB3Jason FishelClosed
25 / 25
11608 SAVEPHIL 1040 W03Introduction to EthicsMeeting datesWEB3Jason FishelClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
11663 SAVEPHIL 1040 W1SIntroduction to EthicsMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Jason Fishel8 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This accelerated course runs for approximately one month. When registering for this section, the credit hours are applied to your spring credit load.
10794 SAVEPHIL 2200 W01Intro to World ReligionWEB3Stephanie CooperClosed
25 / 25
12142 SAVEPHIL 2200 W02Intro to World ReligionMeeting datesWEB3Stephanie Cooper15 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
12176 SAVEPHIL 2200 W03Intro to World ReligionMeeting datesWEB3Stephanie Cooper1 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***
10806 SAVEPOLS 1010 W01Intro to Political ScienceWEB3John BrownClosed
25 / 25
11035 SAVEPOLS 1030 W01American GovernmentMeeting datesWEB3Dan Terry4 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week web course. Please click on the above "Meeting Dates" for detailed information.
11235 SAVEPOLS 1030 W02American GovernmentWEB3John Brown20 / 25
11320 SAVEPOLS 1030 W1SAmerican GovernmentMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3John Brown4 / 10
11310 SAVEPSCI 1030 W01Survey of Physical ScienceWEB4Allen Ward22 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students must also register for the web lab of PSCI 1030-WL1 (11311).
11311 SAVEPSCI 1030 WL1LAB-Survey of Physical ScienceWEB0Allen Ward22 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Students must also register for the web lecture of PSCI 1030-W01 (11310).
10848 SAVEPSYC 1030 W01Introduction to PsychologyWEB3Jennifer StoweClosed
25 / 25
11011 SAVEPSYC 1030 W02Introduction to PsychologyMeeting datesWEB3H Anderson24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11038 SAVEPSYC 1030 W03Introduction to PsychologyMeeting datesWEB3H AndersonClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11504 SAVEPSYC 1030 W04Introduction to PsychologyWEB3H AndersonClosed
25 / 25
11321 SAVEPSYC 1030 W1SIntroduction to PsychologyMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3H AndersonClosed
10 / 10
10850 SAVEPSYC 2110 W01Psychology of AdjustmentWEB3Jeff Snell17 / 25
10851 SAVEPSYC 2120 W01Social PsychologyWEB3Darren YorkClosed
25 / 25
11039 SAVEPSYC 2120 W02Social PsychologyMeeting datesWEB3Jennifer Stowe6 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10861 SAVEPSYC 2130 W01Life Span Development PsychWEB3David LaneClosed
25 / 25
10862 SAVEPSYC 2130 W02Life Span Development PsychWEB3Jennifer StoweClosed
29 / 29
11040 SAVEPSYC 2130 W03Life Span Development PsychMeeting datesWEB3Tracy AllredClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11106 SAVEPSYC 2130 W04Life Span Development PsychWEB3David LaneClosed
25 / 25
12177 SAVEPSYC 2130 W05Life Span Development PsychMeeting datesWEB3Darren York19 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11322 SAVEPSYC 2130 W1SLife Span Development PsychMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Darren YorkClosed
11 / 10
10865 SAVEPSYC 2230 W01Abnormal PsychologyWEB3Darren York22 / 25
11498 SAVEPSYC 2230 W02Abnormal PsychologyWEB3H AndersonClosed
25 / 25
10868 SAVEPTAT 2200 W01Introduction to Physical TheraWEB2Maribeth VowellClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This course requires students to take the midterm and final exams at a Roane State Campus testing center. This course requires that the student complete 12 hours of observation in a physical therapy practice setting.
10869 SAVEPTAT 2200 W02Introduction to Physical TheraWEB2Maribeth Vowell15 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This course requires students to take the midterm and final exams at a Roane State Campus testing center. This course requires that the student complete 12 hours of observation in a physical therapy practice setting.
10873 SAVERADT 1200 W01Intro to Medical ImagingWEB2Julie HallClosed
25 / 25
11121 SAVERADT 1200 W02Intro to Medical ImagingWEB2Julie HallClosed
25 / 25
10874 SAVERADT 1220 W01Radiation Biology and SafetyWEB2Julie HallClosed
39 / 37
10889 SAVERADT 2210 W01Radiographic PathologyWEB2Vickie HensleyClosed
37 / 37
11823 SAVERADT 2210 W02Radiographic PathologyWEB2Vickie Hensley9 / 12
11323 SAVESOCI 1010 W1SIntroduction to SociologyMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Jessica Dalton-Carriger8 / 10
10918 SAVESOCI 1010 X01Introduction to SociologyWEB3Valerie HerdClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a web course. It is a requirement for all of the exams in this course to be taken the RSCC Testing Center. Students are allowed to use a hard copy textbook to aid in the exams. No electronic devices (i.e. E-books, Kindles) are allowed.
11415 SAVESOCI 1010 X02Introduction to SociologyWEB3Gary HeidingerClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • *This is a web course. The three course exams are to be completed at RSCC Testing Centers. Students are allowed to use a print copy of the textbook as an aid when completing the course exams. Electronic devices (i.e., eBooks, Kindles, laptops, tablets) and applicable Study and Review Guides are not permitted.
11416 SAVESOCI 1010 X03Introduction to SociologyWEB3Valerie HerdClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • *This is a web course. The three course exams are to be completed at RSCC Testing Centers. Students are allowed to use a hard copy of the textbook to aid in completing the exams. No electronic devices (i.e., E-books, Kindles, laptops, tablets) or applicable course study guides.
11648 SAVESOCI 1010 X04Introduction to SociologyMeeting datesWEB3Valerie Herd19 / 25
▲ Note:
  • *This is a web course. The three course exams areto be completed at RSCC Testing Centers. Studentsare allowed to use a hard copy of the textbook to aidin completing the exams. No electronic devices (i.e.,E-books, Kindles, laptops, tablets) or applicablecourse study guides.This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10919 SAVESOCI 1040 X01Social ProblemsWEB3Valerie Herd19 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a web course. It is a requirement for all of the exams in this course to be taken the RSCC Testing Center. Students are allowed to use a hard copy textbook to aid in the exams. No electronic devices (i.e. E-books, Kindles) are allowed.
10920 SAVESPAN 1010 W01Beginning Spanish IWEB3Rachel Denton23 / 30
11550 SAVESPAN 1010 W02Beginning Spanish IMeeting datesWEB3Rachel Denton11 / 20
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a seven week class. This class will run the first seven weeks of the semester.***
10921 SAVESPAN 1020 W01Beginning Spanish IIWEB3Rachel Denton12 / 25
11551 SAVESPAN 1020 W02Beginning Spanish IIMeeting datesWEB3Rachel Denton11 / 20
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a seven week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last seven weeks of the semester. ***If you are enrolled in the SPAN 1010 class that runs the fist seven weeks of the term, please contact the Humanities Division office for assistance in registering for this class. You will need to call (865) 882-4567 or email In your request, please provide your Roane State ID number, as well as the five digit CRN number for this course..
11283 SAVESPAN 2020 W01Intermediate Spanish IIWEB3Rachel Denton11 / 25
11207 SAVETHEA 1030 W01Introduction to TheatreWEB3Courtney Minton28 / 30
10947 SAVEWEBT 2300 W01Client-Side Prog (JavaScript)WEB3George Meghabghab21 / 25
10950 SAVEWELL 1010 W01Lifetime WellnessWEB3Johnny Jones24 / 25
10951 SAVEWELL 1010 W02Lifetime WellnessWEB3Johnny Jones24 / 25
10952 SAVEWELL 1010 W03Lifetime WellnessWEB3Johnny JonesClosed
25 / 25
11041 SAVEWELL 1010 W04Lifetime WellnessMeeting datesWEB3Johnny JonesClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week web course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10983 SAVEWELL 1010 W05Lifetime WellnessMeeting datesWEB3Johnny Jones8 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This is a third term 5-week accelerated course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information
11324 SAVEWELL 1010 W1SLifetime WellnessMeeting dates
(Winter Term)
WEB3Johnny Jones8 / 10

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